Profitability for Harvest Projects and Clients

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Get financial transparency for just $30 / month

Boost Project Profitability

Boost Project Profitability

Real-time profitability data for Harvest projects. No more spreadsheet exports.

Unlock Client-Level Financial Insights

Unlock Client-Level Financial Insights

Track and analyze client-specific financial health alongside project data.

Profitability alerts

Profitability alerts

Proactive Profit Alerts: stay ahead when projects underperform.

Elevate Project Profit Margins

Elevate Project Profit Margins

No more exporting data or wrestling with spreadsheets!

With Harvest Dashboard you gain instant access to real-time profitability data for your Harvest projects. Make informed financial decisions, keep projects on track, and watch your profit margins soar.

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Get In-Depth Financial Visibility by Client

Say goodbye to the tedious process of manually aggregating financial metrics from Harvest reports.

Gain in-depth visibility into your agency's financial health, broken down by clients. Easily access crucial information such as Budget, Cost, and Profitability without the need for spreadsheets or time-consuming manipulations.

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Get In-Depth Financial Visibility by Client
Stay Ahead of Underperforming Projects

Stay Ahead of Underperforming Projects

With Harvest Dashboard, you can finally stay ahead of underperforming projects effortlessly.

Set your profitability goals and receive regular alerts, so you can proactively manage project finances and ensure they never fall behind.

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Don't just take our word for it

Harvest Dashboard is a game-changer for us. It provides real-time project profitability insights, saving time and enhancing decision-making. Highly recommended for all Harvest users.

Bradley Harrington

Head of Operations

Harvest Dashboard has been a great addition to our agency's project management flow. With real-time profitability tracking, our team can make informed resourcing decisions, maximizing project success.

Sarah Smith

Project management Lead

I can now gain a comprehensive overview of financials across all my clients. With real-time budgets, costs, and profitability at the client level, I can make decisions and ensure the financial health of each account effortlessly.

Alejandro Serrano

Account Director
Harvest Dashboard and Harvest integration

Connect your Harvest account to start

Get real-time profitability insights for your Harvest projects

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